justice “must go to the end”, for Minister Roxana Maracineanu

The former swimming champion says she is all the more touched as she knows the young woman who lodged a complaint.

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Justice “must go to the end”, reacted the Minister in charge of Sports Roxana Maracineanu Saturday, December 11 on franceinfo, while Yannick Agnel is targeted by a complaint for rape and sexual assault on a minor of 15 years. His custody on Thursday was lifted at midday on Saturday, learned franceinfo from a source close to the case. The former swimmer will be presented to an examining magistrate.

>> What we know about the accusations of rape and sexual assault on a minor targeting former swimmer Yannick Agnel

“I personally know the person who lodged the complaint so you can imagine that this is something that particularly touches me. The girl’s complaint is now in the hands of the courts, she must go to the end.“, commented the minister, former swimming champion.

Roxana Maracineanu recalled that sexual violence is “a very important subject for [elle] on a national level. We are also fighting at the European and international level, so that athletes in the field of sport but also all children in other fields can be protected, that speech can be freed “.

She greets the “courage of these people who take the floor to tell what they went through, to explain what they no longer want to undergo and to manage to say stop. I believe this is essential so that other children do not have to go through this anymore“.

“What is important is that no one can take advantage of any impunity.”

Roxana Maracineanu, Minister in charge of Sports

to franceinfo

According to franceinfo information, the 29-year-old two-time Olympic swimming champion is accused of sexual violence in 2016, when he was 24, in Mulhouse, on a 13-year-old minor – the daughter of his trainer Lionel Horte, who also trained Roxana Maracineanu when she was swimming at high level.

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