There is nothing more authentic in the rap keb universe than the camaraderie that unites the members of 5Sang14. They recently described themselves as “a true democracy” in an interview with the hosts of the podcast Headset. “Sometimes we don’t agree, so we vote. That’s good, we are an odd number. ”
Snakeyez defines a group that quickly became invincible, now supported by the machine Joy Ride Records.
This first album is a success riddled with melodious hits (Dangerous) and rough diamonds generated by a course filled with obstacles (Comfortable). We combine more accessible pieces with more street (The fault).
Great victory since there is no magic formula to remain relevant and accessible without losing street cred.
Special mention to Lost, who perfects his voice like an athlete works his musculature. In this album, he has an impressive mastery of his flow and vocal cords, passing with ease from hoarse to a more melodious sound.
The quintet, which has lived, is able to deepen a theme with maturity, especially in the piece I hate you. In short, we have here the proof that remaining oneself is creatively paying off in the rap game.

Joy Ride Records