France retains its double A


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

J. Poissonnier, J. Van Hove, A. Canestraro – France 3

France Televisions

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s, which evaluates the country’s economy, underlined the efforts of Paris, which retains its double A. A relief for the government.

Relief for the government, the French debt rating is maintained at double A according to the rating agency Standard & Poor’s. Friday, June 2, Bercy welcomed this news: “Our strategy public is clear (…) and it is credible”. In recent months, France has multiplied pledges for rating agencies. A profitable strategy for the deputies of the majority. “The action of the Minister ofEconomy Bruno Le Maire was able to show that we had a trajectory of public expenditure reduction that was credible”asserts Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, Renaissance deputy.

3 trillion in debt

A displayed satisfaction that does not convince the public. They pay more attention to a rating agency than to FFrench people who have been on the street by the thousands for months”, explains Clémence Guetté, LFI deputy. More than 10 years ago, theFrance lost its triple A, the best possible rating, but its borrowing capacity did not suffer. To date, France is close to 3,000 billion in debt.

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