Justine Triet, the director of the palme d’or, “Anatomy of a fall” made a remarked speech in Cannes against the government’s policy where many considered it inappropriate, because of the aid granted by the State to the cinema French.
Where does the intox come from?
Justine Triet, director of the palme d’or, “Anatomy of a fall” made in Cannes a remarked speech against the policy of the government.
Many Macronist supporters considered it inappropriate, because of the aid granted by the State to French cinema.
On Twitter, MP Renaissance Guillaume Kasbarian berates a “little microcosm, fed on public aid like never before”.
Why is that wrong – or at least more complicated than that?
The map of financing of movie, published in the magazine Ecran Total, was shared on social networks. What do we see there? Of a budget of 6.2 million euros, half comes from public institutions.
But this does not mean that the film is subsidized by public money.
In reality, the CNC, which has granted the film 500,000 euros in advance on receipts, does not work with taxpayers’ money. It is self-financed, in particular by a tax, called TSA, levied on ticketing revenue.
AIDS of the local authorities, such as those of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, up to 270,000 euros, are demanding filming on site in order to highlight the territory and feed the economy.
France 2 raised 900,000 euros but half is paid as production, which gives rights to receipts. And The other half comes from a “television pre-sale”. who gives him exclusive distribution.
Finally, there remains 1.2 million tax credit, validated by the CNC. This is indeed public aid, aimed at avoiding relocations abroad. State aid around “Anatomy of a fall”, there has therefore been a few. But also and above all, a lot of exaggeration.