François Ruffin responds to criticism after a controversial outing on LGBT + rights

After controversial remarks this Thursday, in particular on the GPA, the deputy LFI François Ruffin answers this Friday. He believes that “French society has made progress on the rights of LGBT + people” and that “it is ripe to do so again, to fill the gaps”.

“My response on gender, it’s not okay”. The day after an interview on franceinfo, the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) François Ruffin made his mea culpa on Twitter on Friday June 2. Some of the remarks he made are indeed decried, both on social networks and within LFI. It all starts with a question: would the French left do like the Spanish left, which has just suffered an electoral setback, by allowing people to freely change gender at 16, without parental consent?

>> Pensions, RN, inflation, presidential 2027 … What to remember from the interview with François Ruffin

The elected official of the Somme does not respond directly, but ensures that“we must rebuild bridges” between the French, “fix the fractures and not make them deeper”. “In this context, we should not do everything that comes to mind, everything we want, everything that is perhaps even good in itself”, estimates the one who counts among the presidential ones, on the left. Relaunched on surrogacy (GPA), it indicates that there is “not favorable, personally” and that he “think that’s not what we [la gauche] must place at the heart of our project”.

Once the excerpt was posted on the franceinfo Twitter account, the first criticisms arose. A few hours later, the account “The LGBT+ corner”to nearly 48,000 subscribers, relays the video, with this comment: “François Ruffin does not want a law making it easier to change his gender designation because it takes ‘appeasement’ for his party to come to power”.

In the process, François Ruffin is criticized by his peers, on the same social network. “This is in no way a position of La France insoumise or of the parliamentary group”reframes MP Sophia Chikirou, close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “This statement, on this day, is at best clumsy, at worst a political fault”, she snaps. Thursday, June 1 marks the start of LGBT+ pride month.

“It’s a personal opinion that does not commit the movement”

Antoine Léaument, member of the management of LFI

on Twitter

In a tweet, LFI deputy Antoine Léaument recalls that his party’s program plans to “guarantee the right to change the designation of sex in civil status, freely and free of charge before a civil status officer, without medical conditions”.

François Ruffin is not content to regret his answer. “On this topic [des droits LGBT+] like on a lot of others, in all humility, I have to progress”, he assures. He recognizes that “from Pacs to marriage for all, French society has made progress on the rights of LGBT+ people” and that’“she is ripe to do it again, to fill in the gaps”.

>> VIDEO. “I am very proud to be the son of homosexuals”: children born from PMA or GPA tell “the look” of others on their families

His priorities do not change: “A dignified and peaceful life, with work, accessible leisure, decent housing, in a livable planet”. However, he admits that “this ideal does not exclude anyone, otherwise it is no longer one”.

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