she can’t stand her latest album!

Vitaa fans have reason to be thrilled… And for good reason, the star is starting her big comeback with her new album called “Charlotte”. A project that will see the light of day next October and in which the star seems to reveal herself more as the name of the album suggests given that it is the real first name of the artist.

An album that has not seen the light of day, but which is already starting to make people talk. The reason ? Vitaa has already released an excerpt from his album last May. With the clip of this piece entitled “Charlotte” which already has more than a million views on YouTube, the mother of the family is also staging her own funeral. A clip idea to which the young woman returned on June 2, 2023, facing the cameras of BFM-TVshe said:

“We went a little hard. Me, this idea of ​​burial, I loved the idea. Slimane and Amel loved the idea too “, she began, thus justifying the presence of the two artists in the clip in question. And to add: “My mother hated the idea, moreover, it is the only one who did not like the clip”.

See also: Vitaa mocked on his physique: this unexpected tackle from Jeff Panacloc!

The latest album?

At 40, Vitaa does not rule out the possibility that this album will be the last of his career. To our colleagues from BFM-TV, she confided in the process: “I designed it as if it were the last (album). Very honestly. Without jargon, if tomorrow everything ends there, I’m so happy. I’m not someone who needs prizes and numbers, I just need to create”.

Confidences that she also made during an interview with Charts in France. “Is this the last?” Honestly, I don’t know, but I wrote it as if it were the last. I’m not a careerist so I let time do things but it’s true that I want to take more time for myself afterwards. “I feel like I’ve been running around for quite a few years. It’s a profession where you never really stop”. Vitaa fans will therefore be able to appreciate more her album Charlotte which will be released on October 6th. We are already looking forward…


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