Video length: 2 min.
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Kosovo has been plagued by episodes of violence for several days. In question, the enthronement of non-Serbs as mayors of four towns near the Serbian border.
NATO soldiers now line all the streets, block access to the city center with barbed wire and watch the crowd from the buildings. The objective is not to relive the scenes of violence of the last few days, during clashes with demonstrators from the Serbian community. 30 peacekeepers have been injured as tensions threaten the fragile balance of the region.
Independence of Serbian territory in 2008
For 15 years, Kosovo has been independent from Serbia. A situation that many in the northern region of the country do not accept. They are part of the Serbian minority, about 120,000 inhabitants. “We will never recognize Kosovo“, says a resident. On Wednesday morning, May 31, a giant Serbian flag was unfurled across Zvecan to challenge the Kosovar government. What sparked tensions is the decision to swear in mayors who do not belong to the Serbian community. in four towns close to the border.The government of Kosovo is openly criticized by France and the United States.NATO denounces unacceptable violence.