Video length: 3 mins.
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Firefighters fear a summer of all dangers like last summer. On the air base of Cazaux in Gironde, a department which has particularly suffered, the military firefighters have already launched training.
In Gironde, it is still called the fire of the century: a wall of flames a hundred meters high for kilometers. Last summer, the fire ravaged 7,000 hectares, just in the Arcachon basin. Alexandra and her daughter experienced the fires up close. His restaurant is next to an air base. A firefighter therefore comes to visit them, keeping in touch with the traumatized inhabitants. “We escaped the worst, we were very lucky, the firefighters really saved our lives”confides his daughter.
4,500 liters per minute
On the airbase, that day, the firefighters are in full exercise. They simulate the crash of a burst. They have three minutes to intervene, and for that they have big means. “A vehicle like that takes out 4,500 liters (of water) per minute, so it includes roughly around 10,000 liters”details Warrant Officer Sylvain, Air and Space Force firefighter. This year again, they expect the worst.