“Cash Investigation”. Organic alert!

Organic does not mean without pesticides: hundreds of products of natural origin are authorized in organic farming for treatments. But who monitors the use of these products, some of which are far from harmless? An investigation by “Cash Investigation” to see Tuesday June 6 at 9:10 p.m. on France 2.

Organic fruits and vegetables would be better for our health, because they are free of all pesticides, and therefore a little more expensive. But organic doesn’t mean pesticide-free. Hundreds of products of natural origin are authorized in organic farming for treatments.

And not all of them are safe. Like BT, the most used organic insecticide, or Spinosad, very effective especially against caterpillars. The latter is a formidable killer of bees but it is also suspected by the European health authority of being an endocrine disruptor.

Which regulatory body?

But who monitors the use of these products, some of which are far from harmless? “Cash Investigation” reveals that surprisingly, this is not the mission of those who are in charge of controlling organic farming. Elise Lucet and the “Cash Investigation” team dived into the European Commission to understand who decides on the marketing of these biopesticides. They have identified a committee whose functioning is damn opaque.

“Grown without pesticides” does not mean organic

In supermarkets too, more and more fruit and vegetables are sold with the mention “grown without pesticides” but without being organic. Farmers have often used biocontrol products. These pesticides of natural origin are the subject of a merciless battle between the manufacturers. To conquer shares of a market that continues to grow, some would use methods that flirt with legality.

Finally, head for garden centres, where natural products have replaced chemical pesticides. One of the best-selling is a flower-based insecticide, pyrethrum. Journalists from “Cash Investigation” traced its manufacture to Kenya. They discovered that this biopesticide would not be very ethical or as natural as it seems.

“Alert on organic!”, an investigation by François Cardona broadcast on June 6, 2023 at 9:10 p.m. on France 2.


After this new issue, the magazine offers a great debate. Guests from all walks of life, farmers, association leaders, answer Elise Lucet’s questions. “Cash Investigation”: revelations, a debate, solutions.


Remi Dumaswinegrower, communication officer for the Young Farmers union.

Sophia MajnoniGeneral Delegate of the National Federation of Organic Agriculture (FNAB).

Charles Herve-Gruyer, Bec Hellouin farm.

Christian HuyghéScientific Director Agriculture at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE).

Stephane Mariehost of “Silence it grows” (France 5).

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & android), section “magazines“.

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