Dario Antonio Usuga, known as Otoniel, was arrested in Colombia on Sunday, October 24, during a large-scale operation by the security forces. The drug trafficker was also wanted by the United States, which had offered a reward of $ 5 million for his arrest.
Sunday, October 24, applause rang out at the airport in Bogota (Colombia) when the drug trafficker Otoniel, whose real name is Dario Antonio Usuga, appeared at the exit of a plane, handcuffed and framed by the police. The man was until then one of the most important drug traffickers in South America. His capture is a historic moment. So, the media on the spot did not miss any crumb of his passage in front of the agents of the forensic identity.
“It is the hardest blow to the drug traffickers of this century in our country. This arrest is only comparable with the fall of Pablo Escobar in the 1990s”, greeted Ivan Duque, President of the Republic of Colombia. Like Pablo Escobar, Otoniel has been tracked down for years by all the police forces in Colombia. Five million dollars had been promised to anyone who would help in his capture. Otoniel was soon to be extradited to the United States, where his gang was trafficking cocaine.
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