Laurie Cholewa and Sophie Pagès sign the documentary “Re-belles”, broadcast Tuesday May 30 on Canal +.
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Clotilde Courau: 54 years old; Anne Brochet: 56; Valerie Bruni-Tedeschi: 58, Lea Drucker: 51; Aure Atika, Lea Drucker… 12 actresses testify in this documentary entitled: Re-belles: and if aging in the cinema was no longer a drama, the difficulty of finding interesting roles once the age of 40 or 45 is over.
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The roles become from this age for women more and more stereotyped. Some resort to cosmetic surgery to remain perfect in close-up in front of the camera. Fortunately, there are still counter-examples, but the Cannes Film Festival which has just ended again gave pride of place to actors over 50 like Harrison Ford, Robert de Niro or Johnny Depp. Some French actresses also refused to participate in this documentary, as explained by Laurie Cholewa and Sophie Pagès, the scriptwriters and directors of the documentary: “It’s true that this is not the subject on which the actresses will express themselves very, very freely.”