Re-election of Ergodan | “Prospects” to strengthen their ties, says Putin

(Moscow) Russian President Vladimir Putin “warmly” congratulated Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday for his re-election as head of Turkey, during a telephone conversation, saying that this victory opened up “prospects” to strengthen their ties.

“The support expressed by the Turkish people for their leader opens up additional prospects for the development of practical bilateral cooperation in various fields,” Putin said during the talks, according to a Kremlin statement.

The Russian head of state “underlined his great contribution to the development of Russian-Turkish relations in a constructive and mutually beneficial way”, added the Kremlin.

According to Moscow, Mr. Erdogan meanwhile “reaffirmed his willingness to continue to work together on all urgent issues” on the agenda.

Vladimir Putin had already congratulated Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his re-election on Sunday, believing that his victory was “a” logical result “which provides” clear proof “of the population’s support for his policy.

The spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, for his part underlined Monday morning that Russia had “very ambitious” objectives with Turkey.

Despite the historical rivalry between their two countries, MM. Erdogan and Putin have forged a strong personal relationship, which has become all the more important for a Russia isolated from the West because of the conflict in Ukraine.

Russians and Turks are already linked by a series of joint projects, including the TurkStream gas pipeline bringing Russian gas through the Black Sea.

They collaborate closely on several issues, including Syria, where they nevertheless support opposing camps.

If Turkey has delivered drones to Kyiv, it has refused to join in the sanctions against Moscow, preferring to claim an intermediary role, as in the agreement which allows the export of Ukrainian cereals.

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