The 10-year-old child had been kidnapped Thursday morning in Fontaine, in Isère.
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The case lasted a little over 24 hours. The public prosecutor of Grenoble announced, Friday, May 26, that Eya, the 10-year-old child kidnapped Thursday in Fontaine (Isère), had been found in Denmark with his father and his accomplice. Two European arrest warrants were issued on Friday against the two men, who were arrested.
“Eya’s mother was able to reach her daughter by telephone via the Danish consulate. The young girl is doing as well as possible after such events”, announced Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant. The French Embassy in Copenhagen declared to be “in contact with the police and the Danish authorities as well as with Eya’s mother to proceed with his repatriation to France as soon as possible”.
Judicial information opened for “aggravated violence”
Judicial information was opened in the afternoon, in particular for “aggravated violence” on the mother of the child as well as “subtraction by ascending” and complicity, said the prosecution. On Friday morning, the prosecution had lifted the kidnapping alert triggered Thursday evening.
The 10-year-old girl was kidnapped Thursday around 8:15 a.m. while she was walking with her mother in the street to get to her school in Fontaine, in the suburbs of Grenoble, where she is educated in CM2. According to the prosecution, the father “and a hooded accomplice” have “gassed with tear gas the mother of the little girl” before seizing Eya.