Sexist jokes, mimes with a sexual connotation… A famous RMC journalist targeted by an internal investigation!

RMC management has seen better days! And for good reason this Thursday, May 25, 2023, the Informed revealed that an internal investigation was carried out… The latter targeted Charles Magnien who hosts the 4:30-6:30 group. But also the 6h-6h30 of RMC Story. Last I heard, the journalist was charged with “behaviour considered sexist”.“Repetitive jokes and mimes with a sexual connotation” with regard to some of his colleagues, would have been noted by the media.

Contacted by Puremé, RMC confirmed that “facts were first reported on April 4“.”No facts of this nature had been reported to us before.“, we learn. “Immediately, an internal investigation was carried out. The investigation and hearings confirmed that there was no sexual harassment. Writing it would be misleading and defamatory vis-à-vis the person in question“.

to see also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut accused of sexism, TF1 pinned … the video that does not pass!

“The conclusions of the internal investigation have been divided…”

Since the survey, “a bad atmosphere”, “bad words”, and “inappropriate or inappropriate reflections” would have been observed by the site. “The conclusions of the internal survey were shared with the employee, and with the referents and union delegates in charge of these questions. A proportionate decision has been taken and the employee has been informed“said RMC, who declined to comment further on the case.

Still according to the informant, Charles Magnien could also be suspended from the air for several days. For now the mystery remains. Indeed, the management preferred to remain silent on the subject. In any case this Thursday, May 25, the main interested party has regained his post. Case to follow


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