Violence, low wages, working conditions…: why do nurses give up their gowns? The Franceinfo Talk debate



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In ten years, the number of students registered to become nurses who give up before obtaining their diploma has tripled. How to explain this phenomenon ? This is the subject of the Talk. Every evening, from 6 p.m., Ludovic Pauchant and his guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

Over the past ten years, dropouts in nursing schools have multiplied. On May 11, 2023, the Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department (DREES) published a study on dropouts in nursing training between 2011 and 2021. This survey points to an increase in dropouts during education, especially in the first year. Why this training nursing students abandon their course along the way?

Ludovic Pauchant receives Patrick ChamboredonPresident of the National Order of Nurses and Manon Morelnursing student and president of the FNESI.

One of the most requested courses on Parcoursup

Nursing training institutes (Ifsi) are among the most requested courses on Parcoursup, the national post-baccalaureate orientation platform. However, 30% of nursing students stop during training and about 10 to 15% fail at the end. What are these dropouts due to?

Orientation errors, difficulty in finding internships or the problem of the cost of certain private ifsi can explain this trend. The Minister of Health, François Braun also denounced the “mistreatment” suffered during the training courses. How to improve the conditions of supervision of student nurses?

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Ludovic Pauchant’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, and debate around topical and social issues.

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