Man charged with driving truck over roadblock near White House

(Washington) A 19-year-old man has been charged with “threats” to the President of the United States after driving a truck into a barrier near the White House on Monday evening, according to police sources.

Sai Varshith Kandula, a resident of the state of Missouri (central United States), was arrested shortly before 10 p.m. at the wheel of the accident rental truck, the National Parks Police announced in a press release.

“The first elements of the investigation indicate that he intentionally hit the barriers of Lafayette Park”, facing the White House, said Sergeant Thomas Twiname, spokesman for the police.

The Secret Service, responsible for the protection of personalities, said that no one had been injured.

According to a video of the incident, the search of the vehicle made it possible to find in particular a huge Nazi flag.


The young man is the subject of prosecution for “assault”, “dangerous driving”, “threat to kill / kidnap or injure the president, the vice-president or a member of his family”, “destruction of and intrusion on a property federal”.

A page on the LinkedIn social network in his name is dedicated to finding a job in the field of data analysis. Its author states that he has no professional experience.

According to anonymous sources quoted by the Washington Post, no firearm was found on board the truck.

The crash happened on the north side of Lafayette Square, about 100 yards from the White House and near several luxury hotels.

According to a local Fox television affiliate, guests at these hotels said they were ordered to evacuate after the incident. A video posted on the Internet by a journalist of this channel shows a robot searching the loading space of the truck.

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