three people arrested by the police in Valencia

Spanish police announced on Tuesday that they had arrested three people as part of the investigation for “hate crime” against Vinicius Junior, opened on Monday.

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Spanish referee De Burgos Bengoetxea tries to calm Real Madrid's Brazilian Vinicius Junior, during the Valencia-Real match on May 21, 2023. (JOSE JORDAN / AFP)

The day after Real Madrid filed a complaint for “hate crime” and the opening of an investigation for this reason by the Valencian public prosecutor’s office, the Spanish police arrested three people. “The police arrested three young people today in Valencia for the racist behavior that took place on Sunday during the match between Valencia and Real Madrid”said the police, Tuesday, May 23.

These arrests come after four other people were arrested by the police a little earlier. They are suspected of having hanged a mannequin bearing the image of this same Vinicius on the sidelines of the Madrid derby between Atlético and Real, last January. This latest episode of racism against the Brazilian, and its global repercussions, seem to be pushing the authorities to move forward quickly.

The Valencia club, via a press release [en espagnol]repeated “his strongest condemnation and categorical stand against racism” and announced that it wanted to apply against the culprits “his most severe measure: deporting them for life”. The Spanish Higher Sports Council (CSD) said for its part that it was analyzing the images in order to identify “the perpetrators of these insults and behavior to propose the appropriate sanctions”.

The Spanish football federation, for its part, replaced the video referee, who had not shown all the images concerning the events leading to the expulsion of Vinicius, for the next match.

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