the French are exhausted by the health crisis



Article written by

F. Mathieux, R. Michelot, A. Tribouart, N. Jauson – France 3

France Televisions

An Ipsos poll has probed the state of mind of the French. Most of them say they are above all “tired”.

After almost two years of the pandemic, the morale of the French is not so good. “On the general condition, I feel a little more tired than before”, recognizes a man, met Friday, December 10 by the teams of France Televisions. As a result, they flock to anti-fatigue remedies in an attempt to go up the slope. “Vitamin complexes [ou] magnesium “, specifies Patrick Sitbon, pharmacist.

According to a recent Ipsos survey for the Jean Jaurès Foundation, about the state of mind of the French, 17% say they are tired. The most affected are women under 35: more than 26% say they are exhausted. Confinements and changes in habits linked to Covid-19 have not helped: one in two French people believes that their state of health has deteriorated since the start of the epidemic. The consequences of the health crisis also seem to weigh on sleep, since nearly 70% of French people say they have sleep problems.

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