tensions around the referendum for independence



France 2

Article written by

V. Lerouge, H. Capelli, M. Bouretima, J. Pires – France 2

France Televisions

The inhabitants of New Caledonia will have to wait until Sunday, December 12 to vote for a third and last time, with the help of a referendum, on the independence of the island. Three days before the important decision, the implication is great.

In Noumea, the new ballot for the independence of New Caledonia puts the inhabitants under tension. In three years, Caledonians have been called on three times to vote in a referendum. On Sunday December 12, 185,000 voters will vote for or against the full sovereignty and independence of New Caledonia, which is still French territory.

The referendum does not suit the separatists of the island, who block the ballot due to the health crisis which left 280 dead, most of them Kanaks. The date of the 12 has been maintained, while we are in a period of mourning, s‘unworthy Laurie Humuni, one of the members of the political bureau of FNLKS.

The independence groups have decided to be indignant in a passive way: What we want is to challenge people by telling them: today, we must also express our contempt, and contempt can also occur through silence, and non-participation ‘“, explains Laurie Humuni. Emmanuel Macron did not comment on his preference for the referendum. Whatever the choice on Sunday, there will be life together, with France“, did he declare.

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