why the US green light to deliver F-16 planes to kyiv marks a key step in the conflict

If the delivery of these combat aircraft takes shape in the coming weeks, the Ukrainian forces could make up for a lack of air resources and benefit from a versatile fleet.

Will the delivery of F-16 fighter planes sign the military turning point of the war in Ukraine? Symbolically, Volodymyr Zelensky won his case on these American-made aircraft, demanded by kyiv insistently for several weeks. After refusing to do so, Joe Biden informed G7 leaders on Friday May 19 that he would give the green light to the delivery, by Westerners, of combat aircraft to Ukraine, including F-16s.

About these devices nicknamed “Fighting Falcon”, the Ukrainian president welcomed Friday a “historic decision of the United States”. “This will considerably strengthen our air force”wrote Volodymyr Zelensky on Twitter.

Entering service with the US Air Force in 1978, the F-16s were first developed by the American company General Dynamics and today by Lockheed Martin. This is the reason why Joe Biden’s agreement is essential, in the event of delivery to a third country. Dan a concern for the protection of American military technology, the State Department – ​​the equivalent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – then gives the green light.

Catch up on a quantitative delay

The “Figthing Falcon” has the advantage of being a very widespread combat aircraft in the world. “More than 4,000 copies were produced” since its launch, specifies the Figaro the defense and aeronautics consultant, Xavier Tytelman, also a former member of the naval aviation. According to the 2023 report (in English) According to Flight Global, media specializing in aviation, 2,184 of these aircraft are still in service, or 15% of the total fleet of bombers in all countries combined. There are therefore, in theory, thousands of available copies of this device.

“It is possible to upgrade them very quickly”, assured franceinfo Xavier Tytelman, three days before the endorsement of Joe Biden. For General Jean-Claude Allard, questioned by franceinfo on Saturday, this American green light will make it possible to add “additional capabilities in an area in which Ukraine was currently a little weak”to know “air power and the ability to use combat aircraft in support of ground forces”.

kyiv has been, since the beginning of the war, disadvantaged in the air. January 19, 2023, date of the last census of the Global Firepower military analysis site (in English), Ukraine had 187 operational aircraft compared to Russia’s 2,091. The delivery of F-16 would therefore make it possible to more or less fill this gap.

A multifunctional combat aircraft

But the F-16 is also recognized for its versatility. “It is a multifunction aircraft that can provide intelligence when it is equipped with systems” dedicated, explains Jean-Claude Allard. For this specialist in military matters, he is also willing to “complete anti-aircraft defenses to prevent Russian aircraft from striking Ukraine”.

“He will also be able to do air-to-ground support, that is to say, shoot directly at the Russian forces which today hold the line of defense.”

General Jean-Claude Allard


Depending on the configuration adopted, the F-16 therefore plays on all fronts: air-air and air-ground. Finally, it is able to shoot several tens of kilometers from its target, allowing “hit ammo reserves” Or “lines of communication” behind the front line.

Joe Biden’s decision is “very significant”, estimates Mick Ryan, military expert and former general of the Australian army, questioned by AFP, because these planes equal, even surpass, the Russian hunters. They should thus complicate the air operations of Moscow in Ukraine.

Many outstanding questions

While the Ukrainian counter-offensive on areas controlled by Russia has been expected for months, will Joe Biden’s “gift” convince Volodymyr Zelensky to launch it? “It takes about six months for action-capable aircraft to arrive in theatre” war, tempers Jean-Claude Allard. This counter-offensive can only be victorious by “having all means combined”judges the general.

“As the training unfolds over the next few months, our coalition of nations participating in this effort will decide when to provide aircraft, how many, and who will provide them.”, a senior White House official said on Friday as Joe Biden attended the G7 summit in Japan. A sentence that sums up the gray areas around the announcement of the American president.

Pending clarification from Washington, several European countries stuck to promises that they would train the Ukrainian military, as promised by Denmark. Paris and London have also opened this way, with the particularity that they have, in any case, no F-16 in stock. On Tuesday, the United Kingdom pleaded for a “international alliance” intended to supply these combat aircraft to the Ukrainian army, but had then estimated, together with Germany, that it was “to the White House” to give the final green light.

“Compress training times” for pilots

Only Poland and the Netherlands went further, saying they would be willing to supply these fighter jets to kyiv. VSLike a number of NATO countries, they have undertaken to replace their fleet of F-16s with a newer aircraft, the F-35. “Thus, it does not undress the operational forces”esteemed by the Figaro Xavier Tytelman. Impossible, however, to know how much will be bequeathed.

Since the authorization has not been officially signed, the delivery date is also unknown. Added to this is the training time for Ukrainian soldiers. “The United States conducted a simulator experiment with two Ukrainian pilots. They trained them in four months instead of 18. We will certainly compress the training times”, anticipates Jean-Claude Allard. But the general warns: “We must not forget that behind, there are also the maintenance personnel (…) who will maintain these aircraft. We must also prepare the equipment that we will deliver to the Ukrainians”.

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