Eric Antoine, his meeting with his wife Calista: “For me it was obvious”

This Friday, December 10, 2021, two weeks after the grand final of Dance with the stars that he has animated all season, Camille Combal is already back on TF1. The 40-year-old future dad will present a new issue of Camille & images, program through which he takes stock of the year 2021 thanks to the funniest images of the year. On this occasion, he surrounded himself with several personalities including the famous magician and juror of France has an incredible talentt, Eric Antoine.

The latter will certainly promote his new show Grow up a little!. A show that he undoubtedly imagined once again with the help of his wife Calista Sinclair, which over time has become his assistant. A woman he doesn’t talk about much but when he does, Eric Antoine is very talkative. As when he confided in their meeting in 2001 in a theater school. “For me it was obvious. I knew straight away that she was the woman of my life. Calista lived in Sydney, Australia. We waited six years before meeting again. But we knew how to maintain our love despite the distance“, he explained to TV 7 days in 2015. The following year, with the same media, Eric Antoine specified what he had cracked: “There was a ‘black sheep’, a little unloved guy. That’s how I was able to observe how adorable Calista was with him … while having splendid buttocks.

A marriage and two children

The result was then logical for the couple who got married in 2008 and had two children, Raphaël and Ulysse (11 and 7 years old). Which, for Eric Antoine, represents his greatest madness. “One of the most important dreams of my life (…) was to have a family, to be a good dad and to have grandchildren one day. When you aspire to this, you don’t choose your partner lightly. However, I decided to flirt with the woman with whom all this was going to be ultra-complicated (…). Basically, there is nothing holding her back here apart from the love we have for each other. This is what is still totally crazy today“, he analyzed in the pages of Gala in 2016.

During this interview, Calista Sinclair had also spoken to tell about their daily life, largely revolving around the professional projects of her husband. “Eric is on tour a lot, in filming, suddenly I often find myself alone taking care of the house and the children, but it is so for now. Marriage is also that, accepting to let the other go to work, letting them do something else and come back (…). It makes for a rather chaotic daily life, but we are creative enough to be able to adapt.“, she explained.

But Eric Antoine assured him then, it is out of the question that his wife is in his shadow: “I would be very unhappy (…). What is strong in a couple is to remain two free beings but happy to be together. Calista doesn’t even want to be a housewife“.

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