Christian Dubé, the other minister who wants to have too many powers

The digression of the Minister of Health on union leaves, while the president of the FIQ appeared before the parliamentary committee, illustrates the extent to which the CAQ team is allergic to any counter-power.

Some claim that there are too many union leaves and that they amount to hundreds of positions that are not in direct care.

On the other hand, one may ask why these union detractors do not apply the same simplistic reasoning to the number of nurse managers.

Knock down resistance

The words of Christian Dubé were not accidental. After putting hospital and school administrations under its belt, the government wants to take control of all the senior management of the networks.

Government authoritarianism serves to deny the obvious and to deconstruct the Quebec model based on solidarity. We doubt the credibility of ministers Drainville and Dubé when they try to make us believe that our networks are not three-speed.

The unions become the last bastion of regulation of government action. However, they are annoyances that caquists struggle to suffer. We can anticipate that government efforts will multiply to reduce their ability to act.

The confrontation between the State and its employees is taking shape and seems inevitable to ensure quality public services for all.

Trade union rights

Collective agreements include a union plan as well as the number of union leaves allowed.

This number of releases is the result of a union-management agreement. Christian Dubé would do well to remember this from time to time.

In the world of labor relations where whistleblower employees are hated by the bosses, under the pretext of breach of their duty of loyalty, union representatives are the only ones who can point out and denounce irregularities. There really aren’t too many union releases!

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