Géraldine Nakache with her brother Olivier: a super friendly duo in the evening

Resolutely very close to his big brother Olivier, Geraldine Nakache – discovered by the French public following his participation in the film Everything that shines in 2010 – takes her wherever she goes. As proof, on December 5, 2021, during the charity evening of the sponsors of the National Appeal for Tzedakah.

On the spot, brother and sister displayed their best smile in front of the photographers. Always so accomplices, the two accomplices have multiplied the appearances to two (see slideshow) and have been closer than ever. Between tender hugs and shared smiles, brother and sister have shown themselves to be perfectly accomplices for the occasion.

A relationship filled with admiration

Regarding her friendship with her brother, Geraldine Nakache is very proud of it and never fails to remind people of it. “If my brother had been a doctor, so would I be, because he’s my idol!“, said the actress in Femina version in 2014. Because in his eyes, his brother and co-director of the film Untouchables with Omar Sy, is truly an example to follow. “For me, my first real shock was when I saw her in Comme t’y es belle by Lisa Azuelos, where she appeared in the casting. I was like ‘wow, she’s an actress!’ As I went along, I saw my sister, then her character. Then I get to see a role, a character. I’m said, she’s a good actress, maybe I need to meet her, give her some tests [rires]“, he shared, not without emotion in a video excerpt shared in C to you, still in 2014.

What Géraldine Nakache, moved by the video presented by Anne-Sophie Lapix, had expressed: “Look at my reaction when I see my brother talking about me on TV. It seems to me that there is a little modesty between us. I think that, maybe later, when I will be older and he will be taller too … You have to have desire for your actors when you’re a director, and have desire when you’re brother and sister, it may be complicated. So for now, we’re talking to each other. For the moment that suits me well, later, we’ll see.“And to add, not without tears:” JI find that there, in these images, we look very similar. Looks a bit like my brother with a wig. “

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