Replacing sugars with artificial sweeteners “does not help with long-term weight control”, warns the WHO director. According to him, these products can also pose a risk to health.
THE “sweeteners could modify our digestive flora, what we call the intestinal microbiota, favoring the emergence of weight problems or even diabetes in some of us”, alert Tuesday, May 16 on franceinfo Arnaud Cocaul, nutritionist doctor. It responds to the World Health Organization (WHO) warning against artificial sweeteners that may pose long-term health risks. “We must return to a real diet” eyou “Vary our diet so that it is as close to nature as possible and avoid what is ultra-processed”, he advises.
franceinfo: What are artificial sweeteners? Where are they found and in what form?
Arnaud Cocaul: These are substances that give a sweetening power, artifices wanted by the agri-food sector to give the sweet taste without the caloric intake that goes with it. For a long time, we have been wondering about sweeteners, especially in relation to drinks. These sweeteners could modify our digestive flora, what we call the intestinal microbiota, favoring the emergence of weight problems or even diabetes in some of us. There are questions that are important enough to be vigilant about excessive and repeated consumption of this type of product.
Between a sweet soda and one with sweeteners, which should you choose?
If you are obese and diabetic, instead of taking a drink high in sugar, it is better to choose a light drink with sweeteners. But the problem is that we see over-consumers of drinks with sweeteners. I know an obesity surgeon who had a patient who drank 15 cans of diet drinks a day. There are sometimes completely aberrant, abusive consumptions as if people were “addicted” to this type of product.
Will there be an evolution of the NutriScore on light drinks?
The NutriScore will change with a future version which takes into account these so-called low-fat drinks by giving them a more unfavorable rating and which, we hope, will encourage consumers to be more careful. It is not a question of prohibiting, but it is necessary to remain in punctual consumption. It’s like wine, there are weighted consumptions and excessive consumptions. When it comes to drinks with sweeteners such as sugary drinks, you have to be extremely careful. I remind you that two thirds of the weight of the body is water, they are not sugary drinks.
How do we respect the recommendations of the WHO to reduce our consumption of free sugar, because sugar is everywhere, it is sometimes hidden in our food?
We have to go back to real food. We must vary our diet so that it is as close as possible to nature and avoid what is ultra-processed. One of the problems in the food industry is that we have moved towards products that make our lives easier and that allow us to have something ready to eat in two minutes. It’s practical in our current society where we have less and less time to cook, but it causes problems because there are additives. There are all kinds of substances inside us that transform and damage our body. You really have to be wary of ultra-processed products. We must return to a diet centered on the five different fruits and vegetables. It is beneficial for health, there is scientific evidence. I am aware that some people have difficulty respecting these messages because of financial problems, but beware ultra-processed foods cost more when you look at the price per kilo.