Private evenings with the American gratin, dinner with Elizabeth Taylor, strained relations with Janis Joplin… At 82, Louise Latraverse is about to open her notebook of anecdotes on stage with a brand new show, Love crunchesexpected in October across the province.
She does not hide it, she has been asked for many years to write her autobiography. But Louise Latraverse systematically refuses… and categorically.
“That word gives me hives!” she exclaims, laughing.
Love crunches, a show she is currently working on with director Fernand Rainville, will therefore not bear this name. Louise Latraverse prefers to see it as an “exchange with people”, evenings where she can both talk about herself and hear from the public.
“I was locked up for three years because of the pandemic. It was so painful! So there, I want to go on a trip through my country, see people and talk to them. That’s the great privilege of going on stage, ”she says.
A dozen appointments are already given to the four corners of Quebec, from Lavaltrie to Saguenay, via LaSalle, Brossard, Quebec, Montreal and Drummondville. The dates range, for the moment, from October 2023 to June 2024.
“Lovely” Liz Taylor
If she prefers to keep the main lines of this solo show silent, Louise Latraverse announces that it will not be a “long monologue” (“my god, that would be boring!” she sighs), but many stories and memories told, grouped into different blocks.
Obviously, everything will be delivered in the style of Louise Latraverse, without filter, detour or censorship.
Some crisp anecdotes will obviously be drawn from her years in New York, where she lived with her late husband Emmett Grogan, in the 1970s. It was there that she met, among others, Elizabeth Taylor in a restaurant reserved exclusively for the American gratin (read here: hidden from public view and the media).
“She was such a lovely woman, so nice. When she was quiet with her friends, she could let herself go. We were laughing like two crazy people! She was so funny,” says Louise Latraverse.
On the other hand, his relationship with Janis Joplin was, shall we say, less tender.
“Janis Joplin couldn’t feel me, and neither could I. She was a good friend of my husband and we didn’t get along at all, her and I. We had two completely different personalities. I have all the admiration in the world for her, she was a real goddess when she sang. But my god she was unpleasant with me, ”she drops with her legendary outspokenness.
The tour Love crunches will begin on October 6 at the Saint-Antoine church in Lavaltrie. Among other things, she will be at the Théâtre Petit Champlain in Quebec City on October 27 and at the Salle Claude-Léveillée in Montreal on November 28.