the reverse Advent calendar in Douarnenez

Give Christmas gifts to strangers in need: Charlotte Kerisit Aron-Luc-Poula is the volunteer referent for Douarnenez (29) and Landivisiau of the solidarity operation “Reversed Advent Calendar” which allows the most disadvantaged to celebrate Christmas. The principle is to fill a box (shaving foam, perfume, chocolate, book, etc.), drop it off at a collection point, it will be distributed by one of the partner associations: the “Restos du cœur” in Douarnenez, Landivisiau and Audierne and the association “Fraternité” which helps young migrants.

After a 2020 edition which had made it possible to collect more than 140 parcels in Douarnenez, it was the national collective Will for Change which took charge of the project. You can make your box with gifts, specifying for men (don’t hesitate, there are some missing for them!), Women, girls or boys and drop it off until December 17 at the collection points.

In Douarnenez you can drop them off at the local grocery store, the MJC-Social Center and in the Jules-Verne, Marie-Curie and Victor-Hugo schools in Dournenez, at the St Thégonnec school in Plogonnec. Work has also been done with certain schools on civic education. Collection places also exist at Brazza in Landivisiau (29) and at Comptoir d’Aurélie in Briec (29).

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