It’s Mother’s Day, not Parent Number 1’s Day!

I admit it from the outset, I was born in the last century, so in another era.

In my view, a woman is a woman and not a “person” with a uterus.

I have a hard time with this new notion of parent number 1 and parent number 2.

I also have difficulty integrating this concept of a non-binary person.

To my knowledge, there is no neutral gender.

In short, in my opinion, a mother is above all a woman.

A woman who conceived and carried you or who legally adopted you, or a woman who fulfills this role in your life.

Sunday, we will celebrate all these mothers…

A mother :

Is not only the one who gave birth to us.

She may have given birth to us and for all sorts of reasons not have stayed by our side.

That said, any woman who has given birth remains a mother.

You can never forget giving birth to a child.

Our mother :

She’s the one who still takes care of us, or who, like my Old Lady, calls us 10 times a day.

The one who got up at night to heal or comfort us.

The one who feeds, protects, educates, listens, advises in addition to all her domestic and professional work.

Being a mother is a 24/7 job.

A contract for life…

Recently, on Twitter, a lady asked if there is an age when you stop worrying about your children.

My Old will celebrate her 92nd birthday on May 16th and she’s barely telling me to be careful crossing the street yet! Always at the post, my Old.

Thus, until her last breath, the one who carried us in her or in her heart remains our mother.

Happy Birthday Mom !

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