After suspending the ban on a conference of Action Française on Saturday, the administrative court of Paris also suspended that of a demonstration organized by the movement. Royalist activists gathered on the Place de l’Opéra this Sunday morning.
A “second victory for Action Française“, reacted the movement on Twitter. The activists of the royalist organization were finally able to meet this Sunday morning on the Place de l’Opéra, to pay homage to Joan of Arc.
Saturday evening, the administrative court of Paris suspended the ban on this demonstration of the organization pronounced by the police headquarters, after an instruction from the Ministry of the Interior Gérald Darmanin targeting several far-right demonstrations.
The court indicates in particular that the royalist gathering “does not constitute an incitement to cause disturbances to public order, even taking into account the context of current social tensions“, emphasizing that the manifestation is “organized for several decades“.”The impugned decree seriously and manifestly illegally undermines the freedom to demonstrate“, concludes the court.
Action française was also able to hold a symposium on Saturday afternoon in the 12th arrondissement. The event was also initially banned by the Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez, but the administrative court finally suspended the device a few hours before the rally. About 350 people, including a few individuals masked and dressed in black, attended the symposium, entitled “France in danger”, under high police surveillance.
Justice, on the other hand, rejected the appeal of another far-right group, “Les nationalistes” by Yvan Benedetti, who also wanted to demonstrate this Sunday. The Administrative Court ruledas sufficiently established the existence of a risk of words or gestures inciting any form of hatred, particularly racial hatred“, considering that, as a result, the ban on the demonstration “constitutes, in this case, the only measure capable of preserving public order“.
Laurent Nuñez is “blissof this decision.This judgment paves the way for future bans on events or demonstrations that would be organized by ultra-right groups solely because of the comments regularly made by them.“, he asserted.
On Friday, the prefect of police had published several decrees on Friday, prohibiting five far-right rallies planned for this weekend in Paris. These decisions followed the controversy linked to the authorization of the annual demonstration of the “Comité du 9-Mai” which brought together hundreds of far-right activists in Paris last Saturday, often masked and displaying nationalist symbols. They marched to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the accidental death of far-right activist Sébastien Deyzieu in 1994.
The Action française and the Nationalists had seized the administrative justice of a summary-freedom, an emergency procedure when the applicant considers facing “serious and manifestly illegal interference” to a fundamental freedom on the part of a State service. In his decrees issued on Friday, Laurent Nuñez notably argued a “particularly tense context” and the “risk of public disorder“, with – according to the prefect of police – possible violence from the “anti-fascist movement“who could”attempt to physically attackto far-right activists.
With AFP.