In Quebec, school does not prepare young people for real life

On Wednesday, on the program I hosted on QUB radio, I received Philippe Lorange, a young intellectual who is studying for a master’s degree at UQAM.

Philippe told me a sentence which, in my opinion, should guide any reform of the education system, a sentence which deserves to be engraved on the facade of all schools.

” Life is hard. School prepares you for life. So school should be hard. »


By difficult, Philippe does not mean “tyrannical” or “military”, but “demanding”, “rigorous”.

Life, as we know, is getting harder and harder. To do well, to get through all the hardships that await you, especially with social media that increasingly resemble open sewers and an increasingly liberalized world of work, so more in addition to competitive, you must be made strong.

To have a hard skin.

Being able to take pressure.

We are doing young people a disservice when we tell them that the world is a rose garden.

They are not prepared to face life.

They are not given all the tools they will need to find their place in the sun and be happy.

School (especially high school, one of whose roles is to take children and turn them into young adults) should be the gateway to life. However, currently, especially in Quebec where the word “requirement” is perceived as elitist, the school is considered as an extension of the CPE.

We pamper you.

We shock you.

We accommodate you.

Result: when the little rabbits leave school and face life, real life, the one that gives you no quarter, they collapse and implode at the slightest criticism.


Currently, we are in the midst of a labor shortage.

Employers have no choice, and hire the first person who shows up, as long as they have a minimum of teeth in their mouths and don’t walk around with their faces in the air.

Result: we end up with employees who, in normal times, would never have been hired. And whose CV would have ended up in the bottom of a trash can.

But it won’t always be like that. At some point, the situation will change, and employers will find themselves with the big end of the stick in their hands.

They will be able to be – again – demanding. Gathering.


What will our little bunnies do, then?

As the writer Michel Houellebecq demonstrated in his book Extension of the field of struggleeven interpersonal relationships now obey the laws of the market!

Life is hard even in love!

It only takes a brief movement of the index finger to be rejected!

And we’re raising our kids in bubble wrap? They are made to believe that the world is an episode of Teletubbies ? That people will take into account their emotions? And put on white gloves when they talk to them?

But it’s disgusting!

It is not helping them to bring them up in this way, on the contrary, it is condemning them to misfortune!

When will there be a school that will teach young people about effort? Endurance ? The ability to withstand criticism and adversity?


According to a study from the University of Austin in Texas, it will soon be possible to read a person’s thoughts thanks to a “smart decoder” hooked up to a magnetic resonance imaging device.

We will thus be able to know what a person is thinking while watching a movie or listening to music!

Finally, wokes will be able to hunt down bastards (especially white men over 50) who have impure thoughts! You stare at an actress’s thighs for more than 5 seconds? You lose your job, my pig!

When will a machine allow us to know what people dream about at night?


According to two Toronto bioethicists who published a scholarly article in the Journal of Medical EthicsCanada should allow the poor and the homeless to have access to medical assistance in dying in order to end their suffering!

After the depressed, let’s encourage the poor to pull the plug!

Mind you, it’s easier than building low-rent housing or hiring shrinks!

One injection and it’s over!

This is called declaring the hunt for poverty.

In the first sense of the term.


Archive photo, Martin Chevalier

When he learned that Le Main Déli, a Montreal restaurant specializing in smoked meat, had closed, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois wrote on Twitter: “Smoked meat is a strong cultural symbol of Quebec, and it does not come from Les Filles du Roy! »

As if the nationalists were totally hermetic to other cultures and only ate pig’s foot stew, cipaille and bines!

It’s like writing, “How can a leftist know smoked meat?” I thought these people only ate tofu and kale! »

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