the number of animal abandonments on the rise



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

S. Guillaumin, C. Koc, N. MetauerFrance 3 Regions, D. Aysun – France 3

France Televisions

The number of animals to adopt increases more and more. Economic reasons would be at the origin of this phenomenon and care is more difficult.

In all the shelters of the SPA, the number of animals to adopt continues to increase, animals abandoned more and more for economic reasons. “We have people who have big financial worries”says Hélène Gautier, manager of a SPA refuge. “A lot of house people moving to apartments with dogs that can’t stand apartment living.” In one year, the price of animal products has risen sharply, especially for kibble, and owners fear they will no longer be able to take care of it.

More difficulties to treat them

The price of animal care has also increased. As a result, some veterinarians work less at the end of the month compared to the beginning of the month. This weekend, the SPA is organizing open days in its shelters to have as many animals as possible adopted.

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