Last dinner signed Sinicropi for the Cannes Film Festival jury

The Cannes Film Festival opens on Tuesday May 16, the opportunity to give a tip of the hat to Christian Sinicropi, the two-star chef who delights the jurors each year, the day before the opening.

Christian Sinicropi loves cinema. He would not have denied the quiche Lorraine, a modest dish, served in The Hand in the Collar by the master Alfred Hitchcock. Cary Grant offers a quiche to his interlocutor who finds the dough “light as air”, just to remind the character played by Grant of his past as a climber.

Passionate about cinema, passionate about art or painting, Christian Sinicropi concocted for 20 years the menu for the jury, the day before the opening of the International Film Festival, at the Martinez restaurant Golden Palm. A menu served on plates designed and made by his wife Catherine, a ceramist, plates reminiscent of the work of the president of the jury, this year the Swedish Ruben Östlund.

“When the president is announcedexplains the two-star chef, Cathy and I watch her films, we choose two, and we interpret them in our own way, with dishes created by Cathy, and with my dishes. This year it will be around The Square and of Without filter (Triangle of Sadness).”

The two-star chef leaves Le Martinez

Over these two decades, there have been shark-like plates for Spielberg, tableware between movement and spiral for the Cohen brothers, tree-shaped pieces for Tim Burton, and last year for Vincent Lindon , the couple were inspired by the film Beautiful green, for a very topical proposal on the future of our planet.

Replaced a few days ago at the Hotel Martinez by Jean Imbert, the two-star chef will provide his very last dinner for the festival jury, Monday May 15, the day before the official opening. It will be, once again, the total surprise for the jurors and for their president.

“Which is greatcomments the chef, it’s that we were able to share moments with people of that level, great artists, creative people. We wrote history with them, and this history remains etched, no one can take it away.”

Christian Sinicropi promises to continue his remarkable creative work elsewhere.

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