Christiane Taubira, the hope of the left?



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On the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Thursday, December 9, the journalist of France Televisions, Thierry Curtet, analyzes the possible candidacy of Christiane Taubira on the left for the presidential election of 2022.

While the idea of ​​a primary on the left evoked by Anne Hidalgo did not convince the other candidates in the presidential election of 2022, a name is increasingly coming back as a possible solution on the left: that of Christiane Taubira. “First, you have to know if she really wants to, beyond just the phone calls she may have made. You have to know that a presidential election is a total commitment of oneself, it is So complicated. And then, remember, Christiane Taubira, she already stood for a presidential election, it was in 2002 and the defeat of Lionel Jospin that on the left, some wanted her to endorse. a rather painful memory “, recalls the journalist of France Televisions, Thierry Curtet, on the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Thursday, December 9.

The journalist highlights the differences that exist between the former Minister of Justice and the other candidates on the left, in particular “on nuclear power, on security, on secularism”. “The synthesis on the left is only possible with a certain number of renouncements and the candidates on the left are not ready for it. Then Christiane Taubira is very divisive, on the left a little, on the right a lot. It’s the beast. black of the right and above all, she is hated by the voters, the militants of the extreme right. It can be a problem in the second round even if it never really scared her “, says Thierry Curtet.

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