this unexpected twist in the singer’s career!

Like many celebrities, Vianney is very active on her social networks. Especially on Instagram. Since the flow his great notoriety, his followers can follow all his upcoming projects and his actions. The young dad enjoys sharing beautiful images of his concerts and snapshots of his personal life. And yet, the singer thrives near his family so far from the spotlight and too present lights of the star-system. In the city, while remaining discreet, the interpreter of “For real” shares the life of Catherine Robert. Already the mother of a little girl, the famous violinist gave birth to their first child last October. If his career fulfills Vianney at all levels, his family life seems to come first. “I admire artists who sacrifice their personal lives for the sake of their art. I will not do it. I prefer to give everything for mine”, He assured in the columns of“ Nice Matin ”last August.

Vianney announces big news on her Instagram account

But this Friday, December 10, the former juror of The Voice wanted to share great news with his loyal admirers. Indeed, the singer announced that his last opus, reissue of a last album, had just been crowned triple platinum disc. “They had closed the shelves, we hadn’t waited. And here we are! Just THANKS“, he captioned after the publication of his album cover. A great reward for the one who is currently on tour throughout France and who sells a full house at each performance.

See also: Claude: after his victory in orientation, he announces his departure from Koh-Lanta!

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