the Spanish government announces a vast plan to fight drought


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Like every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday 11 May.

More than two billion euros will be spent by Spain to fight the drought. While many crops are compromised, the socialist government will grant 635 million euros to farmers to deal with the most urgent. Desalination plants must also be installed by the sea to draw the necessary water.

A candidate for the Turkish presidential election gives up

In Turkey, an opposition candidate has thrown in the towel. He represented only 2% to 4% of the votes. The renunciation of Muharrem Ince, which remains on one line “neither right nor left“, should benefit the main opposition candidate, whom the polls put in the lead. The president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is more threatened than ever.
Oxygen canisters caused several explosions in Milan, in Italy. Buildings have been burned down. The accident was caused by a delivery truck. The human toll is fortunately light, since the driver is the only one injured.

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