Doc Gynéco placed in custody: the artist suspected of sexual assault on a minor under 15

Back to the police station for Doc Gynéco, Bruno Beausir of his real name. According to exclusive information from BFM Paris, confirmed by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office, the 47-year-old artist was taken into police custody on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 as part of a preliminary investigation for “sexual assault on a minor under 15“Heard by the police of the Territorial Security of Seine-Saint-Denis, he regained his freedom the same day so that the procedure could be read and analyzed.

This suspicion of sexual assault concerns a very young 12-year-old minor. The teenager also had the opportunity to testify, in the presence of her mother, as part of the investigation. As of Friday, December 10, 2021, no charges or proceedings have been brought against Doc Gynéco. The singer is, however, still under the radar of justice. He was sentenced to five months suspended prison sentence and a fine of 2,000 euros by the Paris Criminal Court last May for domestic violence.

Doc Gynéco sentenced for domestic violence

It is a passerby who had been alerted by the cries emanating from the Parisian home of Doc Gynéco on March 10, 2021. The artist had finally admitted having slapped his wife four times. IThey have been married for twenty five years and she is here mother of three children. He also confessed to having insulted her. In addition to his conviction, the former chronicler of Do not touch My TV follows a training course to raise awareness of domestic violence and a formal ban from appearing at his wife’s home and coming into contact with her for three years. The prosecution, however, originally requested a longer sentence of six months suspended prison sentence.

Doc Gynéco remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused in this new affair.

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