Statement by Mr. Pierre Fitzgibbon

Someone would have to explain to me how it is that our Minister Fitzgibbon suddenly informs us that we are going to run out of electricity in Quebec. That industries have not been able to set up in Quebec because of this situation, whereas they can in Ontario.

Quebec announced to us not long ago that we had a surplus of electricity and that we had agreements to be able to export it to our neighbors to the south.

Where is the error? Someone slept on the gas, most certainly (pun intended).

Quebec has 28 large storage reservoirs of more than 176 TWh. To which are added 681 dams and 91 control structures.

Belgium has nine dams, only one of which was built for the purpose of energy production, and it is far from equivalent to just one dam in James Bay. Belgium has 11,600,000 inhabitants, Quebec 8,500,000. In Belgium, the majority of railways are electrified. Highways are lit across the country. Surely there is someone out there who has been able to foresee the growing demand for energy.

Here, it seems not… Should we hold our government to account?

Signed: A citizen who is very careful about his energy consumption and who cannot believe that we will have to take restrictive measures in terms of electricity consumption due to the lack of foresight of our great leaders

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