Marc Dupré is going on tour with a new comedy show in 2024

Marc Dupré’s return to humor will not be limited to hosting a ComediHa! Fest-Québec this summer. He will also present a new show, entitled Oh come onin 2024.

The dates of a 26-performance Quebec tour have been discreetly posted on its website and you can even buy tickets for some of them.

The kickoff of the tour will be given in Saint-Eustache, on January 26, 2024. No date has been announced for Montreal, but it will take the stage twice at the Théâtre Capitole de Québec, on May 17 and 18.

So far, the singer-turned-comedian hasn’t made any official announcements on social media, and the media haven’t received any press releases about the show.

His entourage told the Log that he will not give an interview for the moment.

The only details come from a poster, visible on his official website, where it is mentioned that “Marc Dupré puts away his instruments and presents us with a brand new solo comedy show”.

“An outstanding storyteller, we continue, he takes stock of the first half of his life by telling us about his daily life and his professional experiences, which include many twists and turns, each more surprising than the other. »

more gigs

Marc Dupré does not turn his back on music, at least not immediately. Until the fall, there are still a few concerts on his agenda from the tour of his most recent album, Where will the world bepublished in 2021.

Also known as a coach on the show The voiceMarc Dupré has devoted the last two decades to music, but it was first as a comedian, and above all an imitator, that he made his mark on the artistic scene in Quebec during the 1990s.

At the time, he had participated several times in the galas of the Just for Laughs festival. On August 8, he will be at the helm of one of the six ComediHa! Fest-Quebec.

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