LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo under investigation, in particular for “laundering tax fraud”

Contacted by BFMTV, the “rebellious” elected official assures that he is not aware of anything and indicates that he will take stock with his accountant.

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LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo at the National Assembly, November 4, 2022. (ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

An investigation has been opened against the deputy of La France insoumise (LFI) Carlos Martens Bilongo for suspicion of “laundering of tax evasion” and “abuse of corporate assets”, learned franceinfo from the Pontoise prosecutor’s office, confirming a information from BFMTV. The “rebellious” elected official is also suspected of “failure to declare to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP)”.

According to BFMTV, the 32-year-old deputy is suspected of having concealed just under 200,000 euros from the authorities and is the subject of a procedure opened in mid-April following a report from Tracfin, the Bercy financial intelligence unit. . The Pontoise public prosecutor’s office declined to provide further details of the investigation. Contacted by BFMTV, Carlos Martens Bilongo indicates that he is not aware of anything and assures that he will take stock with his accountant.

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