a law will allow access to care without going through a doctor

No need to go back to the doctor’s box. To simplify the patient journey and relieve doctors, several medical professions will be able to issue prescriptions. Close-up on the new prerogatives of podiatrists-podiatrists

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Consultation with a pedicure-podiatrist in Toulouse.  (DAVID BECUS / MAXPPP)

Unclog medical practices, but also simplify the life and journey of patients: this is the objective of the Rist law, supported by the Ministry of Health, which must be definitively adopted on Wednesday May 10 by the National Assembly. Among the novelties, the French will be able for example, without first going through their doctor, to consult certain speech therapists directly. And also physiotherapists who practice in a home or health center and within the limit of eight sessions. In six departments, they will also have the opportunity to directly consult certain advanced practice nurses (APNs). Pharmacists will also be able to renew prescriptions for chronic patients for three months.

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Another change, pedicure-podiatrists will be able to prescribe orthopedic insoles. What the profession has long demanded. Today, when a patient consults a pedicure-podiatrist because he needs insoles, he must go through his attending physician. “When we realize that the patient needs orthopedic insoles, we have to send him back to the doctor, explains Eric Prou, president of the order of pedicure-podiatrists. The patient goes to see his doctor who gives him the prescription, but it is wasted time and wasted medical time for the doctor.”

“In our skills, we have that of diagnosis”

Only doctors can indeed prescribe insoles. This Rist law will allow podiatrists to do so. This will save everyone time, and above all avoid the patient having to go back and forth between health professionals. Moreover, still according to Eric Prou, doctors already have a lot of confidence in pedicure-podiatrists on this subject “the prescriptions of the general practitioners, it is often: assessment, podiatric diagnosis and insole if necessary. That means the doctor doesn’t know. He needs the expertise of the podiatrist-podiatrist to know if the patient needs orthopedic insoles. He leaves us judges because he knows that in our skills, we have that of diagnosis.

This new law also allows pedicure-podiatrists to judge the seriousness of the risks of complications and foot sores for diabetic patients. They will thus be able to determine themselves the number of prevention sessions to offer to the patients most at risk.

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