Family doctors denounce the “coercive approach” of the Dubé reform

The Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (FMOQ) said it was “disappointed and shocked” by the content concerning it in the reform of the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, which aims to make the network more efficient.

Bill 15, “as currently drafted, provides an unnecessary and incomprehensible coercive approach to family physicians that is contrary to effective and responsible system management,” said the President of the FMOQ, Dr.r Marc-André Amyot, during his visit to the parliamentary committee on Tuesday.

According to him, “a negative approach risks aggravating the shortage of family physicians and accentuating premature retirements”.

The president of the FMOQ deplores the fact that the bill aims to replace the regional directorates of general medicine (DRMG) with territorial directorates of family medicine (DTMF), “each headed by a civil servant”. “Why dismantle proven co-management between family medicine and the health care system with a law expelling physicians from the decision-making levels that allow them to contribute to improving the care offered? “, he raised.

During the work, Minister Dubé asked Dr.r Amyot if he felt that the status quo is no longer acceptable in the health network.

“We agree that Quebecers do not have enough access,” retorted the president of the FMOQ. But this “access deficit” should not be placed on the shoulders of family physicians, he added.

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