Manon Aubry, MEP La France insoumise, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday May 8, 2023. Commemorations of May 8 and demonstration against Emmanuel Macron, dissension within the Nupes, controversies over the European flag… She answered questions from Jules de Kiss and Hadrien Bect.
May 8: “It is Emmanuel Macron who is targeted” by a call to demonstrate, “absolutely not Jean Moulin”
“If we demonstrate, it is Emmanuel Macron who is targeted, it is absolutely not Jean Moulin“, underlined Manon Aubry. Opponents of the pension reform intend to mobilize near the Memorial of the Montluc prison, in Lyon, where Emmanuel Macron pays homage to Jean Moulin and to the Resistance, in the post- noon. The Rhône prefecture has banned all gatherings in this area, but the CGT has filed an appeal for interim measures against this ban. But it was rejected on Monday morning by the Lyon administrative court. “As long as the pension reform is not withdrawn” And “every time Emmanuel Macron goes out in the street, yes, there will be a massive protest“, she promised. “I hope that once July 14 arrives, we will be able to say: the pension reform has fallen. Sif not, we will be there again on July 14 to ask the same thing“.
Nupes: Fabien Roussel “doesn’t make it easy for us”
Manon Aubry regretted the criticisms of the leader of the Communists against Nupes. “He doesn’t make it easy for us. Frankly, it tires me, I’m tired of commenting on the positions of each other.” According to her, “Fabien Roussel needs to clarify his position“. Manon Aubry returned to the meeting of the Nupes last week. “We were all surprised (…) by Fabien Roussel’s desire to almost break with Nupes“, adding that “when we say that the Nupes is a camisole or a cannonball, it means that we do not think that the Nupes is the starting point to build the alternative“.
Europeans: “There is a lack of coherence” among ecologists
For Manon Aubry, “there is a lack of consistency” of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV), which does not want a common list, on the left for the European elections of 2024. To explain it, EELV highlights its differences with LFI on the report to China , Ukraine or even European defence. The national secretary of the party, Marine Tondelier, “quite clearly: we need a common candidate for 2027″, pointed out the MEP. Gold, “the President of the Republic has much more competence in European and international matters than European parliamentarians“. On the other hand, “Voters are going to tell us: you supposedly didn’t agree in 2024, but you agree in 2027? Don’t take them for fools.”
European flag on the pediment of town halls: a “cosmetic” proposal
“It’s a cosmetic law“, judged Manon Aubry about the bill to make it compulsory to display French and European flags on the pediment of town halls, examined on Wednesday at the National Assembly. If “you go in front of any town hall in France, you will almost always see a European flag“. With this text, the majority seeks to create a diversion, according to her. “We must not delude ourselves about the intention behind it: we will create a debate on the subject (…) like that, we turn away from the real subject which interests the French“.
Review the entire 8h30 of Manon Aubry