the government wants to increase the number of cycle paths



Article written by

J.Lonchampt, C.Colnet, MC. Delouvrié, A. Maurisson, D. Breysse, A. Da Silva – franceinfo

France Televisions

With its bicycle plan, the executive wants to strengthen the road network for cyclists in order to reach 100,000 kilometers of cycle paths. The objective is above all to better enforce the safety of users of two-wheelers.

An increasingly dense traffic, and an often difficult cohabitation with cars. In town and in the countryside, cyclists sometimes find it difficult to feel safe. This is the case in Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), where there are only 20 kilometers of cycle paths for 40,000 inhabitants. This shortage is holding some consumers back from getting on their bicycles. “I would take it more if there were more facilities”, confirms a user. The observation is the same on the outskirts.

A cost of two billion euros

Last year, 244 cyclists lost their lives, including 137 outside urban areas, an increase of 47% compared to 2019. Therefore, the government wants to strengthen the road network for cyclists in order to reach 100,000 kilometers of tracks cycle paths with its cycling plan. The cost of the operation is two billion euros. Insufficient sums according to some associations. One of the other objectives is to develop entire axes to separate cars from bicycles, as in certain cities. To improve traffic and enhance safety, changes to the highway code could be tested.

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