the useful booster dose to fight against the new variant



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Almost 13 million people have received a recall, including 709,000 in the past 24 hours, a record. This recall could also prove to be useful against the Omicron variant, explains journalist Damien Mascret on the France 2 set.

“Last week, we wondered, compared to the historical variant, how much antibody it takes to neutralize Omicron”, recalls Damien Mascret, doctor and health journalist at France Télévisions. “We found out that it takes about 40 times more antibodies to neutralize (it).” There is therefore a resistance of the new variant to the vaccine, confirms the journalist on the set of France 2.

Good news on the other hand from Pfizer: with the booster, the antibodies are increased to such an extent that “that is enough to compensate for the drop in vaccine efficacy against Omicron”, announces Damien Mascret. Would there then be a need for a new vaccine to fight specifically against this new variant? “Not necessarily, if you have already been vaccinated”, according to the reporter. Vaccine protection, he adds, concerns two lines of defense: antibodies and cellular immunity, which “seems preserved”. Other results are to be followed in ten days.

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