Kim Clavel remained on her appetite after her first date with Place Bell in January. On May 12, she intends to do things differently. “I’m leaving in a second datebut I know what to expect, ”launched the pugilist on Wednesday morning.
“It’s an area that is known, an area that I will manage. I am sure that in this datethere, the person will fall in love with me, ”added Clavel, provoking collective laughter among the few media who came to attend his public training at Complexe Claude-Robillard.
Small translation, for the non-singles of this world: this first date, it was his unification fight on January 13 against Yasica Nery Plata, which ended in defeat, his first in his career. This second dateit is his duel of May 12 against the Mexican Naomi Arellano Reyes (9-2, 5 K.-O.).
As for the person who will “fall in love”, it is the public. And for that to happen, Clavel knows very well what she has to do: win.
“It’s the most important fight of my career, she dropped. […] I want to prove that the unification fight was a small mistake, but one that taught me a lot. We’re going to set the record straight. I will get back to winning ways. »

Kim Clavel during his January 14 fight against Yasica Nery Plata (left)
Team Clavel hasn’t changed their ways in preparation for this fight, but they’ve made sure to polish some details that were lacking in January. Notably, communication in the corner of the ring.
In interview with The Press, three days after his setback, Clavel explained that he was not “aware” of what his coaches were telling him in his corner during the fight. “I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t concentrate. For what ? I’ve no idea. I will have to ask myself questions, ”she had mentioned.
This time, it won’t be a problem, words of her trainer Danielle Bouchard: “We have our codes, our ways of looking at each other, of talking to each other. Everything has been put in place so that this time, the current goes to 100%. »
Ultimately, it’s all about “concentration,” Clavel argued. Already on Wednesday, in training, the 32-year-old boxer was completely absorbed by the task in the ring and displayed a serious look when she hit the cushions presented to her by Bouchard.
As she said when the fight was announced last March, Clavel intends to be a “little bum” between the cables. All this without curbing his nature, his offensive style.
“It is something that is practiced, both in sparringin the pads, on the bag. Sometimes it’s going to be difficult; Danielle will push the bag on me, she will put a lot of pressure on the pads, we will work a lot in close quarters. »
“We’re going to fight when we need to,” she continued. These are things that work, but you either have it or you don’t. I know I have it inside of me. It’s there and we’re going to use it. »
The stakes will be multiple for Clavel, that evening. First, she will be able to get her hands on the WBC international light flyweight (108 lb) and IBF and WBO intercontinental belts. Then, if she wins, she will get closer to a rematch against Yesica Nery Plata.
Clavel, like the Yvon Michel Group, has made no secret of it for a month: the objective is to use this brawl as a “springboard” towards revenge. Conversely, it goes without saying that a defeat could be very costly for the Quebec boxer and her clan.
“I like that pressure. It is a privilege to feel it, assured the main interested party. […] It makes me live. I feel it pushing me up, but I don’t feel it crushing me at all. »
Asked about the consequences of a possible defeat on the rest of her career, Clavel was very clear: “It’s not part of my way of thinking,” she simply said.
“Satisfied” with ticket sales
The Yvon Michel Group will not reach the expected figure of 4,000 spectators for the gala on May 12, which includes three female and three male clashes. So far 1,500 tickets have been sold and the promoter expects to top the 2,000 mark next week; figures with which he said he was “satisfied”. Remember that on January 14, during Clavel’s unification fight, 4,126 people turned out at Place Bell.