Eric Zemmour: When he classed Léa Salamé and her “bazaar psychology”

Eric Zemmour and the TV sets, it’s a big story. Journalist and columnist, he made a name for himself by appearing in front of the cameras to share his opinion on the news. But that was before. The media animal is now a politician, campaigned for the presidential elections on November 30, 2021. Now he comes to defend his program, with varying degrees of tension and success. On the set of the 8 p.m. newscast of TF1, then insulting the presenter, galvanized in front of his troops during his first meeting as a candidate for Villepinte, despite the clashes, or at the microphone of the inescapable Jean-Jacques Bourdin, hardly masking his annoyance. Now he is in front of the cameras of the public channel France 2 for the political program. Elysee 2022. He thus finds this Thursday, December 9, Léa Salamé who was, like him, sniper by Laurent Ruquier for We are not in bed. Back to their tense exchange in 2014.

Seven years ago, Eric Zemmour released his new book, which will quickly become a bestseller: The French Suicide. The one who worked for Laurent Ruquier found himself in the guest chair to defend his work, a political essay that portrays a French nation in perdition according to him, addressing the themes that he will explore throughout the rest of his career.

Faced with Aymeric Caron, who also found himself in his campaign video to illustrate the “well-meaning”, and Léa Salamé, the writer-polemicist has more than one disagreement. The journalist and host opened hostilities by criticizing the passage of Eric Zemmour on Vichy in The French Suicide. Already in 2014, he was exploring the question of Pétain’s role and defending the idea that he had worked for French Jews. She retorted then: “You love France so much, you, the Jew, you so want to do more goy than goy, do more French than French, that you manage to question Vichy and reassess Pétain“What the one who will get into politics with the help of his advisor Sarah Knafo said:”Could you stop bazaar psychoanalysis ? Why are you bringing me back to my Jewish status? I could get on my high horse and tell you it’s anti-Semitic!

A tense exchange which, in view of Eric Zemmour’s position today, assuming to be reactionary and daily defending the idea of ​​”great replacement“, promises sparks on the set of France 2 this Thursday. The companion of Raphaël Glucksmann teams up with Laurent Guimier, replacing his friend Thomas Sotto. The latter has moved away from political broadcasts after the revelation of his relationship with Mayada Boulos , communication expert of Prime Minister Jean Castex.

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