300 people gathered in Loudrefing to pay tribute to the teenager found dead, shot dead

The body of Erwan Carré, 16, shot dead, was found near the village pond.

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Loudrefing, near Dieuze, in Moselle;  (GOOGLE MAPS)

Around 300 people took part on Sunday April 30 in a white march in Loudrefing, near Dieuze, in Moselle, in tribute to the teenager found dead on Tuesday, reports France Bleu Lorraine Nord.

The body of Erwan Carré, 16, was found near the village pond. The victim was shot and killed. The procession therefore walked between the village church and the path that leads to the pond. In the lead, Erwan’s family, a white flower in their hands. Other participants wore a T-shirt, with the portrait of the teenager during one of his fishing trips, “his hobby” according to the mayor of the village, Jean-Marie Siquoir. At the end of the march, the relatives of the victim let fly balloons bearing a heart.

A 24-year-old man, arrested on Tuesday and suspected of being the author, was indicted for murder and imprisoned. He had explained to the authorities that he had accidentally shot the teenager with a rifle.
It was the victim’s mother who alerted the gendarmes of Dieuze on Tuesday, worried about not having heard from her son, who had left the day before to fish. A call for witnesses had been issued for worrying disappearance. The teenager was discovered near the pond on Tuesday afternoon.

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