“I don’t run after money, I make a very good living”, Fabrice Eboué also says he refused “LOL, who laughs, comes out” and subtly tackles those who participated!

On April 20, 2023, Blanche Gardin published a very long text on social networks in which she explains that she refused to participate in the program.Amazon Prime Video, “LOL: who laughs, comes out!”. “It turns out that I would be embarrassed at the armholes […] to be paid 200,000 euros for a day’s work even if I lose at your game, when the charity of my choice would win 50,000 euros, that is to say 4 times less, and even then, only if I win. Yes, it bothers me to receive, for 8 hours of work, this maddening sum”, had written the comedian of 46 years. A speech that triggered tons of reactions!

Fabrice Eboué: the reasons for the refusal

Currently on tour for his goodbye yesterdayFabrice Eboué was questioned on the subject by our colleagues from Latest News from Alsace (DNA). The artist revealed that he was approached like his colleague. And he gave the same answer… “I was offered to participate in LOL, I said: never in life. I would not have felt comfortable in this show. It’s not my type of humor and I don’t run after the money, I make a very good living”he explained before going into more detail: “I consider myself an artist. There are people who are in entertainment, it’s a choice, and there are those who represent the one man show as an artistic entity. I consider my artist’s job is to make the best show possible, that’s what I want to deliver to people.”

Although they both refused, the ex-member of the Jamel Comedy Club disagrees on some points that she mentioned: “I’m very good friends with Blanche but I have some discrepancies with what she said. My show is on Amazon Prime Video, but whether you’re on this broadcaster or another it’s the same”did he declare. “You can choose to be absolute anti-system by doing without broadcasting platforms and there okay, but that’s not my case. We all need a broadcaster, it’s give and take”.

But Fabrice Eboué joins her on one point: “the maddening sum” earned in just “a few hours of filming”

“What is the message that you convey, the values ​​that you pass on to your children?”wondered the director.

See also: Faced with Guillaume Pley, Fabrice Eboué, admits having slipped with a fan suffering from the disease


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