Discover our solutions to relieve heavy legs!

Often due to venous insufficiency, they are disabling in everyday life. Prolonged immobilization can cause unpleasant sensations such as tingling and numbness sometimes going as far as pain.

Factors that will influence heavy legs:

  • Venous insufficiency (more common in women)
  • Heredity, if in the family there are cases of chronic venous disease
  • Overweight and obesity will create an embarrassed venous return
  • Heat and sun exposure
  • Posture. Staying too long standing or sitting in the same position

Did you know ? The risk is that the blood may clot, which will block the vein and form a blood clot.

But then what to do to fight against this phenomenon?

  • Walking is very beneficial, it will allow a better venous return. This is the best way to avoid varicose veins.
  • Cold water will stimulate blood circulation and prevent stagnation of the latter. Start with the ankles then work your way up to the thighs.
  • The massage alone or with Aloe Vera gel. Known for its vasoconstrictor action, it is fresh and hydrating. Start with the ankles then work your way up to the thighs.
  • Sports activity. Cycling, swimming, jogging are excellent against the feeling of heavy legs!
  • Compression stockings on prescription and delivered in pharmacies. The compression action of the lower limbs will improve blood circulation in the veins.
  • Olisma offers a dietary supplement to fight heavy legs over the long term.
  • Akileïne offers a phyto-relaxing gel to have an immediate relaxing effect.
  • Arnicactiv to tone and relax the legs.
  • Ericson a cryo-active gel to tone the legs.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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