a new two-euro coin will be in circulation from January 1

“This is the first time since entering [de l’euro] in the portfolios of Europeans than in France, we are changing the design of this piece “, noted Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs.

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“The oak and the olive tree, strength and wisdom.” During Emmanuel Macron’s press conference ahead of the French presidency of the European Union, Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, presented a new two-euro coin. “This is the first time since entering [de l’euro] in the portfolios of Europeans than in France, we are changing the design of this piece “, he congratulated himself.

>> The article to read on the French presidency of the European Union

Two euro coin

Minted in Pessac (Gironde) and created by Joaquim Giménez, the general engraver of the Monnaie de Paris, it will be in circulation from January 1st. Its goal :“incarnate” the French Presidency of the EU and “to mark the anniversary of the single currency”, described Clément Beaune. “2022 will also be the 20th anniversary of the euro”, specified the Secretary of State.

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