Food: artificial intelligence at the service of plant-based cheeses


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

T. Leriche, C. Theophilos, P. Lagaune, A. Da Silva – France 3

France Televisions

Artificial intelligence could revolutionize our plates. The French giant Bel has teamed up with an American start-up to create a plant-based cheese. An algorithm is responsible for selecting the appropriate recipe.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, a start-up has developed plant-based feta and Roquefort. Difficult to tell the difference with a classic cheese. Thanks to this tool, the Bel group wants to develop its famous cheeses in vegetable form. In the laboratory, all the characteristics of classic cheese are measured: smell, taste and texture in the mouth. From the result, the artificial intelligence establishes a recipe from the 10,000 plants in its database, such as red lentils, split peas or oats.

AI is of interest to several agri-food groups

Without this algorithm, it would take researchers years to reproduce the result. We need AI because it goes much faster (…) but it does not allow creativity or human talent“, believes Xavier Terletspecialist in food innovation. To find alternatives to products of animal origin, other groups such as Nestlé or Danone have embarked on this culinary revolution.

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